Aus Förderverein euregionale Digitalkultur e.V.
< FeD:Code
Einmal aufrufen zum erstellen des nutzers, passworts und email, dann in Cron reinsetzen per "crontab -e". fertig
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 - ## VERSION: Donnerstag 5 August 2010 12:03 ## ALLES VON MIR airmack (ÄT) fedev.eu <-- vertauschen import smtplib import json import urllib2 import getpass import sqlite3 import base64 import sys from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Header import Header from email.Utils import parseaddr, formataddr def user_pass(USERNAME="", PASSPHRASE="", EMAIL=""): while USERNAME=="" or PASSPHRASE=="" or EMAIL=="": if USERNAME=="": USERNAME=getpass.getuser() #for default user tmp_user = raw_input('Twitter username ['+str(USERNAME)+']: ') if tmp_user!="": USERNAME=tmp_user if PASSPHRASE=="": PASSPHRASE=getpass.getpass("Twitter password: ") #silent password FTW if EMAIL=="": EMAIL=getpass.getuser()+"@localhost" #for default user tmp_email = raw_input('Send to this Email['+ str(getpass.getuser())+'@localhost]: ') if tmp_email!="": EMAIL=tmp_email return [USERNAME, PASSPHRASE, EMAIL] def main(argv=None): import os.path if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.tweet2email/')): os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser('~/.tweet2email/')) [user, password, email]=user_pass() conn=sqlite3.connect(os.path.expanduser('~/.tweet2email/database')) c=conn.cursor() c.execute('''create table user(name text, password text, email)''') c.execute('''create table history(id text)''') c.execute('insert into user values( ? , ?, ?)', [user, password, email]) conn.commit() c.close() conn=sqlite3.connect(os.path.expanduser('~/.tweet2email/database')) c=conn.cursor() c.execute('select * from user') [user,password, email]=c.fetchone() t=tweet2email(user, password) [id, name]=t.getfriendsid() for i in range(0,len(id)): [msg,msg_id]=t.get_tweets(id[i]) print str(i)+") "+str(name[i])+" with "+str(len(msg_id))+" messages\n" for j in range(0,len(msg_id)): print "- "+str(msg_id[j])+"\n" c.execute('select * from history where id=?',(msg_id[j],)) z=c.fetchone() if not z: message=msg[j] tweeter=name[i] sendmail(message, email, tweeter) c.execute('insert into history(id) values (?)', (msg_id[j],)) conn.commit() else: continue c.close() class tweet2email: def __init__(self, username, password): self.header=self.auth_header(username,password) def show_friends(self): [id, name]=getfriendsid() for i in range(0,len(id)): print str(name[i])+" : "+ str(id[i]) def getfriendsid(self): url="https://twitter.com/statuses/friends.json" req = urllib2.Request(url) req.add_header("Authorization", self.header) try: handle = urllib2.urlopen(req) except IOError, e: # here we shouldn't fail if the username/password is right print "It looks like the username or password is wrong." sys.exit(1) friendslist=json.loads(handle.read()) friends_id=[] friends_name=[] for i in friendslist: friends_id.append(i['id']) friends_name.append(i['screen_name']) return [friends_id, friends_name] def get_tweets(self,id): url = 'https://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/'+str(id)+'.json?count=5' req = urllib2.Request(url) req.add_header("Authorization", self.header) try: handle = urllib2.urlopen(req) except IOError, e: if e.code == 401: print "wahrscheinlich zu viele requests\n\r" else: print str(url)+"\n" print "was ist hier denn passiert?" sys.exit(1) msg=json.loads(handle.read()) txt=[] msg_id=[] if len(msg)==0: print "Keine rückgabe\n" for i in msg: txt.append(i['text']) msg_id.append(i['id']) return [txt, msg_id] def auth_header(self, username, password): header=[]; if username and password: basic_auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1] header = 'Basic %s' % basic_auth return header def sendmail(message, email, tweeter ): header_charset = 'ISO-8859-1' for body_charset in 'US-ASCII', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8': try: message.encode(body_charset) except UnicodeError: pass else: break subject="[tweet2email] "+tweeter sender_name = str(Header(unicode('tweet2email'), header_charset)) sender_addr = str(Header(unicode('tweet2email@localhost'), header_charset)) recipient_name = str(Header(unicode(email), header_charset)) recipient_addr = str(Header(unicode(email), header_charset)) sender_addr = sender_addr.encode('ascii') recipient_addr = recipient_addr.encode('ascii') msg = MIMEText(message.encode(body_charset), 'plain', body_charset) msg['From'] = formataddr((sender_name, sender_addr)) msg['To'] = formataddr((recipient_name, recipient_addr)) msg['Subject'] = Header(unicode(subject), header_charset) smtp = smtplib.SMTP("localhost") smtp.sendmail(sender_addr, recipient_addr, msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)