Congratulations to the winners European Nopsled Team!
The first 3 places are:
Thanks to all participants. We hope you enjoyed the CTF, we certainly did!
See you next time, CCCAC
Hey CTFers,
our last two challenges just came in. Enjoy angler and the holy challenge.
Cheers and visit us for beers,
Bigdata is up.
Also we had some issues with doge. Please download the archive again as it has changed.
Hey everybody,
we're setting up the new challenges now... First up: well, see for yourself :)
such greets, very announcement
The CTF has started!
Have fun!
Hi guys,
the CTF is about to start and we expect a smooth start and no delays. We will publish a first set of challenges and more challenges as we go. We will announce them here and on twitter.
We tought it was unnecessary and our rule to not spoil other player's fun was sufficient. However, we ask you to not insult other players or the orga team in IRC or on blog posts, no matter how you dislike the CTF.
Have fun,
Hi CTFers,
we're happy to announce the 30C3 CTF, which the CCCAC will organize during the Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg. This Jeopardy style CTF is open to everyone and can be played online. It will start on Dec. 27, 19:00 UTC and last 48h until Dec. 29, 19:00 UTC. As always, don't try to ruin other people's fun.
Twitter: @cccac_ctf
We hope to see you soon,